What We’re Reading: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

by Andrew Downing


In Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, Lori Gottlieb tells her story and the struggles of three clients receiving therapy. She takes us into the psychology and lasting emotional effects of loss, heartache, loneliness, and abuse. She reminds us that everyone is struggling with something.

Gottlieb teaches us a lesson in compassion. The foundation of compassion is the perception of control. It’s easy to have compassion for someone after a freak accident or tragedy but more difficult when someone appears to have brought about their own demise through personal choices. However, Gottlieb shows us that when we understand the psychology behind someone’s actions, we realize the issue is always more complex than we first thought. We have control over our choices, but those choices are still heavily affected by outside influences. The more we understand this, the easier it is to show everyone compassion.
Knowing at least some basic psychology is an essential skill for leaders, and Maybe You Should Talk to Someone is an easy-to-digest introductory lesson.


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